Aircel 3G Kebrum VPN Trick For PC with [WIKIPEDIA HOST] [Re-Tweaked]

By this trick you can get access to any sites and can do unlimited downloads.For this trick yon need to maintain atleast minimum balance of 1 Rupee to make connection only because in some states Aircel not allow to get connected at zero balance. Features of Aircel 3G Kebrum Trick(By Wikipedia Host)


* HTTP ,HTTPS ,SSL Protocol Supported. 
* NO Ads while using this VPN. 
* Parallel Download Supported via IDM. 
* Torrentz Supported via boxopus,torrific and Direct download via torrent client also  
* Can be Stream YouTube Videos and other streaming sites. 
* Disconnection Issue Can be avoided by running Finger.exe(inside config). 
   Reqirements of Aircel 3G  
   Kebrum Trick(By Wikipedia Host) 
* Download NMD VPN 
* Download Aircel 3G Wikipedia Kebrum Config 
* After installing NMD VPN , extract Aircel 3G Wikipedia Kebrum Config File and paste 
   it in C:\Program Files\NMDVPN\config 
* Now Connect with the given config file connection will be established instantly n  

Note : 

(1). Use aircelwap as APN 
(2). Kebrum Username And Password already included in Config , if you want new 
       username and password then do register on
(3). Maintain minimum balance of 1 rupee to get connection established. (4). Windows  
      7 and Windows 8  users must run NMD VPN GUI as Administrator to avoid any   

                                       DOWNLOAD : OPENVPN


.By this trick you can get access to any sites and can do unlimited downloads.

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Data is deducting my friend...thumbs down :-\

operation error: unrecognised operation or missing parameter.........error :18: script-security (2.0.9)
Anonymous said... 26 October 2013 at 23:35
I used this trick with a 3g pack and was able to connect the vpn, but my 3g bal gets deducted.Why?
Is it necessary to connect the vpn with a minimun bal, without any 3g pack?

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